I'm Deidrea!
Success Coach, Speaker & Consultant
After 30 years in corporate America and leaving 5 different times to start my own business, I knows what it takes to create a vision for your life and business and then make it happen. I know that every woman has a unique soul print and purpose for their one precious life and when women boldly ask themselves this one powerful question
“What would you love” it unleashes the power within her.
I am the Founder & CEO of The Dream Academy and host of The Success Minded Woman podcast and I am on a mission to empower women to create a life they absolutely love living.
Regardless of where you are on your journey, regardless of the challenges or the years that have passed, it is never too late to design a life that you know you were meant to live.
It all starts with a VISION.
Dream Big
Plan Small
Take Daily Action in the direction of your Dreams
If you are wanting to create a life & business you love but can't seem to make it happen.
Then you have probably found yourself thinking:
I don't have Enough Time to focus on what is needed
I have Too many ideas and things to do
I'm not sure where to start or how to get started
I don't have anyone to help me or to talk about my dreams with
I see Greatness in You!
Would you love to discover your true dream and passion, unleash your potential, and live a life you absolutely love living?

Discover Your Purpose & Passion
Now is YOUR TIME to find out what matters most to you and go do that. The world needs you!

Clarity on Your Vision
Clarity is Power! If you don't know where your going, its hard to know when you get there.
Having clarity on your vision and what matters most to you is they key to creating your Dream Come True Life.

Discover what's holding you back
Do you start and stop your goals and dreams? Do you change your mind? Do you give up? Do you wait until your ready....until its a better time....or you need more information

Success Roadmap
There is a roadmap to success and its unique to you and your dreams. When you know your purpose, when you have a clear vision for the life and business that you would love, the path unfolds with a plan and daily action.

Get ready to take massive action
You are either winning or learning. When you know where you are going and are willing to try new things and leave your comfort zone, your success becomes inevitable.

Your Dreams are Calling You
This is your time. This is your year to fall in love with yourself and your life. You really can Be Do and Have anything you want when you clarity on your vision.

How to Coach Yourself
You are the EXPERT on YOU
Free Workbook
Download your free workbook that will teach you how to coach yourself.
Get the mindset and success tips that will help you achieve your goals!